Monday, November 17, 2008

Election Day

Wanted to get some more pictures up! Here we are, at 6:30am local time...
we took a Taxi to a nearby village to watch the election results live (we were shocked that the election had already been determined when we arrived). We were able to see McCain's concession speech and Obama's victory speech - both LIVE. Throughout our celebrations, we also had the mayor of the town (pop. 2,000) join us...she cried and said she was so happy for the states.

Good times!


Anonymous said...

Hi Nat!

I see you're responding to comments now..yay! Jessy really loves this pic. He's definitely a fan of Obama! He says hello and he hopes you're doing well. Love and miss you!


Natalie said...

Hi Mal,

Yes, I figured out how I can leave comments! I think it will be good to create a sort of conversation between friends and family. Please tell Jessy I say hello and I'm glad you were able to visit him!
Happy Turkey day!
Love you and miss you,