Happy Saturday!
I can't believe I've completed my third week in Ukraine! It seems like I only arrived a couple days ago. I had my first experience with teaching English to 7th grade students. I taught two classes Thursday on the topic "Cooking Methods." Not an easy subject, especially trying to help students differentiate between cooking methods such as roasting vs. baking and simmering vs. steaming. All in all, I think it went well and I certainly have many areas to improve.
Last week, I also had my first experience with the electrichka (the electric train). We traveled to meet another group of PC volunteers for some training in a small town of less than 2,000 people. I never realized how thankful I would be for my supermarket, hot water, and Internet access!
Today was the first day we had rain. I managed to walk in the dark on cobblestone roads, in heels I might add, uphill both ways...ok, not really uphill both ways, but I am certainly learning to enjoy a "stroll" out of necessity.
Happily walking in Ukraine (EVERYWHERE)!
Take care,
Pictures Include: My host sister, Ania, and I - ready to go on an evening walk. My host sister's boyfriend, Sasha, and I posing for the camera. They both enjoy playing "Sequence," a board game from the states that was a priority on my packing list. Also included are some pictures from the window of my family's apartment.
Interesting landscape, I like it. Ania and Sasha look like they are keeping ya busy.
Take care!
Natalie, Thanks for the great pictures. I am enjoying them all Aunt Sue
Hey Nat! Thanks for the update. Sounds like you're having a good time. I saw you mom and Mallory yesterday at our soccer game. It's always great to see you mom in the cheering section. Well, we won and I even scored a goal! So did Mallory! Anyway, hope you're well! Take care of yourself and keep strutting those heels!
Cobble stones huh? Wish I had those in my neighborhood... slow down the fast cars!! Do they have many cars? I must have missed something - when did you learn how to cook? Ha!
Love, Auntie Sandra
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