But, I did have a fabulous time on my trip! I have not organized my pictures from Andorra, Spain, France, and Poland yet, so this blog will only cover my time in the states. Here goes...
Arriving into PDX at noon, I was so excited to see mom and dad waiting for me directly outside the security gate. I'm not exactly sure who started crying first, but soon, we were all involved. It was so nice to be home. Chips and salsa was the first thing I ate (Yum, Yum!) and I was disappointed that mom and dad were out of milk (I was really craving some cereal). Shortly after getting home, Holly came over with the exciting news of her engagement to Darren! What a beautiful ring she was wearing and a huge smile...this is the one engagement.
Then, off to wedding number one: Shari and Greg (Shari is Mallory's friend from WSU). The wedding was in White Salmon at 5pm, so I hurriedly got ready, raided Mal's closet for a dress, and enjoyed the ride with mom and dad. Shari and Greg were married at a cute little castle along the White Salmon River:
Here comes the beautiful bride with her dad:
Mallory and I had a tearful reunion as well. I miss her so much when I'm over here.
It was fun taking some crazy family pictures. I think it was an appropriate time to take these, with Mal's wedding just one week away.
The following day, after a mad-dash to fix my maid-of-honor dress for Mal's wedding, I was able to meet up with Meghan, Holly, and Kelli (who would be moving to Denver two days later).
(should be noted that we did buy ice-cream from him)
and went to happy hour at Beaches Restaurant. I enjoyed being goofy with them and was sad to say goodbye to Kel.
Monday evening, I was able to meet up with some folks from my previous job at the university for dinner at a Mexican restaurant - I was in heaven with my chicken burrito!
One morning, my family headed out to the home where Mal and Jessy would be married. We had to lay some new bark dust and help clean up the yard a little. Of course, we were successful at goofing off, too!
Mal sporting her army gear...
Great pic of Doug and Jessy (Doug is a groomsmen and Jessy's friend).
Don't ask me what this wild woman is doing!
Jessy, Mal, Tyler (Jessy's cousin and also a groomsmen), and Doug pose for a pic:
Mom wanted Jessy and Mal to pose like in the movie "Can't Buy Me Love."
Then, Jessy's dad wanted some love, too:
Yep, typical Jessy for you!
On Thursday, I hosted a bridal shower for Mal. We had a fun time, but the real fun would begin later that night at the bachelorette party!
Before the bachelorette party, I met some friends at the Kennedy School for some drinks. In the top row: Melissa, Irish, and Holly and the bottom row: me, Jenny, and Meghan. (We were trying to reenact our buddy pictures from high school sport teams.)

JP, Justin, Jenny, Lindsay, and Stephanie (the birthday girl!).

With Tim...

With Holly, Meghan, and Melissa...

Adam, Shelby, and JP

With Zach and Adam...

Then, off to the bachelorette party!
Shari, Kim, Amy, Mal, Stephanie, Nikki, and Jamie
Nikki, Amy, and Mal walking to the next place in Portland (I would meet up with them at the dance place because I was with old friends at The Kennedy School). It was a busy day!
Shari and Mal being crazy dancers!
Some of my friends joined us at the bachelorette party, too! Here's Adam, Mal, and Justin dancing away!
On the dance floor...
Rehearsal dinner on Friday:
Not quite sure why Mal is saluting Dad...wacky sister...
Uh oh, wedding day is here! I'm helping Mal to put on her dress. I was so nervous (I think more nervous than she was!).
The wedding party:
Groomsmen: David, Tyler, Doug, Luke, and Mac (ringbearer)
Bridesmaids: me, Amy, Shari, Stephanie, and flower girls Taylor and Sierra

Oh, Dad! Always joking around...

The cute little mini-bar...
Dancing Time!
The moms, Mollie and Suzie, of the bride and groom:
My last night in PDX, we went to The Boiler Room for some pool and karaoke!
Amy, me, Irish, and Mal
My favorite brother-in-law and me!
I had such a busy week and wasn't able to see many people that I was hoping to see! Looks like I'll be home in January or February next year for Holly and Darren's wedding though, so I'll be able to catch up with more people then. Also, zero sushi this trip home is unacceptable! Sushi will be in order next visit. Andorra, Spain, France, and Poland were fabulous (I did, however, enjoy some more than others). I'm looking forward to sharing those pictures and stories with you soon.
Thanks for your support!
Love Nat.